How to start bullet journaling (even as a total beginner)

Ultimate Guide to Bullet Journaling Mock Up on White background

This guide walks you through how to start bullet journaling. So you can cultivate a more intentional life, in a way that works for you.

You’ll discover:

How to cultivate a calmer mind, with the principles of bullet journaling

The minimal tools you need to start bullet journaling for beginners

The style of bullet journaling that feels most natural to you

A step-by-step process to get started with bullet journaling today

You'll get instant access to everything you need to start bullet journaling for beginners.

Woman thinking with pen in hand and bullet journal on table with candle in front

Find the missing piece of the puzzle

When you learn how to start bullet journaling, it becomes easy to tune into those big dreams constantly running around inside your head.

Cover image of bullet journaling guide
pattern icon

Spot patterns in your thoughts, moods and actions

feeling calmer icon

Identify what you need to feel calmer and more purposeful

organise your life icon

Organise your life with one place for everything (finally!)

taking action icon

Bridge the gap between idea and action

focus icon

Stay focused, with space for all your big ideas to go

Slow down & create the life you’re craving

It's unsettling... When something feels misaligned but you can't put your finger on what it is.

You're constantly plugged into the digital world, we all are.

Constantly connected to pinging phones, new emails flying in and endless notifications demanding our attention .

If everything’s so connected… why are you feeling out of sync?

unplug from digital and into your creativity
lady drawing in bullet journal on table

It’s time to take a step back.

To unplug from digital and plug into your creativity.

To reconnect with those big ideas, those giant dreams you had when you were young, back when everything seemed so possible. Spoiler: it still is.

From a blank page...

To a practical plan...

To a life you love...

Everything can change, when pen meets paper.

“A mindfulness practice disguised as a productivity tool”

That’s exactly how Ryder Carroll, the creator of the original bullet journal, describes the practice.

Bullet journaling gives you the freedom to dream with just enough structure to make that dream happen.

It bridges the gap between idea and action, in its own beautifully flexible way.

But wow, isn’t it intimidating sometimes?

Those perfect spreads we see on Instagram, the breathtaking artwork, all those beautifully curated colour palettes…

Bullet journaling your own way (even as a total beginner)

No two bullet journals are the same. They never will be.

Every bullet journaler is 100% unique, which means you can journal in your own way. Whether that's colourful and creative or sleek and minimalist (or somewhere in the middle)!

Your bullet journal is your blank canvas. Together, we’ll find your style to fill it.

woman with yellow cloud journal